No One is Immune to Online Manipulation. It’s Time We Take it Seriously
How the “Dirt-Bag Left” misogyny broke the political left in 2020. Certain people seem more susceptible to misinformation...
How Far Does Free Speech Go? Using identity politics as a weapon of confusion.
As previously published in print on May 16, 2019, for my school newspaper the Laney Tower. Portraits of...
One 40-Year-Olds Decision To Start Journalism Fighting For Democracy
This column was originally published in the Laney Tower Print edition under the title "Tales from the Editor" issue December 6, 2018. This was the second to last print semester before Laney College renovated the program, completely updating the room, computers, and website to digital—our professor, Burt Dragin, who had been teaching journalism since the 70s, retired in 2019. Unfortunately, our other teacher, Scott Strain, passed away in 2020 during the pandemic. I want to dedicate this recently updated post to both Burt and Scott, who taught me the importance of staying true to researching all the facts of a story and ensuring I check every inch of the copy before publishing. This is why I have thought to review my posts again to ensure they are done correctly, in their memory so that I may do them and myself proud. I'd also like to thank all of the journalism students who I worked with at the Laney Tower, who stay in touch with me, and some who I see have moved on, graduated, and become great journalists. They are the ones who pushed me to tell my story, but it is I who is proud of them, always.
How Social Media and Memes Are Used to Create a Propaganda Cycle
Call it fake news, biased opinion, alternative facts or straight up lies; there is a real problem in...