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Populism, Nationalism, and Capitalism, it’s not just for White People

(originally posted on 11/21/2016) Updated October 29, 2022

After Kanye West, Tila Tequila, and a few other people of color stood up in support of *throws up a little in mouth* President-Elect Trump, it’s become increasingly noticeable that this desirable illness to bring back the good old Hitler days is not just for mentally ill White people. I mean, they see what’s going on they know what Trump and his supporters are about; they must know this is not in their best interest, right?

The problem that often occurs is that it is only thought of as attention-seeking and self-loathing. These views are often not just something that only white people share. Globalization, job losses, immigrants, and religious beliefs, are issues I have seen debated aggressively with the same fear in many people of different backgrounds. Racism (upholding the racist caste system) is not just a White thing. The preservation of one’s culture and the comfort of being around familiar people is human nature. It just so happens that European-centric culture mastered the game first, and many people enjoyed the more lucrative luxurious side of that caste system.

Liberals have looked down on the alt-right people who used to be called “Tea partiers” because most of their points are not based on any fact. Trump supporters call Liberals “elites” because they are being looked down on. Even when people are not considering themselves Liberals, leftists, or democrats, many group anyone against their beliefs as “Libtard Elitists.”

In some ways, they are right. Many on the left have looked down on extreme right views as so ridiculous most people would not entertain them. Yet many people have entertained them for years; no one saw Trump’s victory coming.

We must take this group seriously since they have won a war against us by cheating with fake news and fear. Many Trump supporters now believe Trump to be their supreme leader who will bring in the new world order and ethnic cleansing. Others will look the other way because they believe they will have more financial gain with Trump as president.

(According to Forbes, Latinos and Asians voted for Trump by 29%)

In an alt-right article for a site called The Tab, which Tila Tequila posted on her Twitter, Tila says:

“There are only two things in this world, for which I would gladly sacrifice my own life; the destruction of all Jews and preservation of the White race.” She also explains she’s been a part of the alt-right movement since 2013.

The code of the White Nationalist movement today is not just about White supremacists, KKK, and neo-Nazis. Those are just the foot soldiers. To take down the real players of the game, you have to look at the self-proclaimed “Economic Nationalists” who hide their true colors.

Who is just as dangerous as Donald Trump and Mike Pence? President Elects soon-to-be Chief Strategist and self-proclaimed Economic Nationalist Stephen Bannon. He helped create the alt-right movement we have today as executive chair of Breitbart News LLC (check it out at your own risk, this is fake news, or in some cases, reports facts with one-sided opinion mixed with intense fear-mongering undertones). To confuse things even further, I did a lot of research and learned that Breitbart is very anti-semitic yet pro-Israel. I asked because Trump’s son-in-law is Jewish and works with Trump and Bannon. Many in the Jewish community pointed out that a highly conservative Jewish community hates other Jewish communities and is for pro-Israel conservatism.

Stephen Bannon is pulling the strings with the foot soldiers using his manufactured right-wing extreme media. He listened to what a particular group wanted and delivered. He has several layers of different players under him, also pulling strings. This is an actual tight bundle of people that think with one goal. To make this country theirs. To purge America of all ethnic people and make an ethnocentric state that welcomes like-minded Europeans. They genuinely believe they can take over the world, and their end goal is to squeeze out the world economy to take most of its wealth.

This is not just within the US. UK Brexit Leaders, France, Israel, and Russia all have these economic nationalists. This has been a long rise by right-wing nationalist extremists that has been ignored for far too long.

The nationalists believe in law and order to a strict degree. They are autocrats and authoritarians to the core. Do not question them; you will always be in the wrong, and they can do no wrong. You shall have no voice, no rights, no freedom.

It can be a tricky line between who is a true authoritarian and who is just an opportunist. Some people are opportunists trying to maintain their position in a new world order. Or willing to hold favorable status by gatekeeping an old world order involving wealth. More than likely, any person of color supporting an ethnically cleansed America may desperately believe that they can save themselves and hold some equitable power by pledging their allegiance to forces most believe are not in their best interests.

That is assuming their self-interests have anything to do with society and other people who merely share a likeness to them. So Kanye West can understand how Black people are oppressed in America and choose to work within that system rather than against it if he sees it beneficial to his own gains.

Anyone claiming to be an economic nationalist is saying they are a pure opportunist at any cost. But the fact that Stephen Bannon was a huge part of cultivating the neo-nazi “alt-right” movement we have today shows where his interests are. He knows maintaining division and White supremacy benefits his economics brand and ideology. After all, you don’t have to be a nazi to get richer, so despite his attempts to make the media believe he is not a racist, his intentions are quite clear.

As for the alt-right, petty little Twitter and Facebook trolling foot soldiers, the reason they want to cleanse America of all ethnic groups is very simple. The movement over the last few years of freedom of identity, BLM, LGBTQ rights, women’s rights, etc., has many White people feeling as if they specifically are being attacked. This is what the media refers to as a “White backlash.” Consider it the hater effect. The people with the least confidence in themselves and tend to be loners in society lash out from their low self-esteem. They don’t feel accepted for who they are in the mainstream anymore, so they have now found their home at the alt-right.

Have you ever heard of reverse racism? Right, there is no such thing. But in a white person’s eyes, who uses this term, often do understand that they live with more opportunities than others from white privilege. They see it as this; if other ethnic groups begin to succeed, they will lose their grip on class and power in America, and their economic status would reverse, leaving them in their worst fears, powerless at the hands of ethnic groups being able to use race against them. Reverse racism is the fear of roles reversing in our society. In a way, it may be a form of White guilt that turns into self-hate and the inevitable fear that the past sins of White society will come back full circle.

Considering much of our news lately has been about White privilege and the fact that the White population in the US will be a minority by as soon as 2042, you can now understand their logic in why they want ethnic cleansing. No, I don’t feel sorry for these people. I don’t ask for “empathy” for these hardcore supporters as some are asking. No one should. In effect, they probably have many life issues and use that as a reason to lash out. But if we made it easy for them and kissed their boo-boos, wouldn’t that be a reward for their desire to kill a large population of mankind? At the same time, white people who claim to want an integrated fair society must be the ones to talk to those on the edges of the fridge. This is not a POC problem, it is a white social problem. The people who fall into this group of nationalists feel attacked daily by the political correctness of others, and in particular, they feel attacked by Jews, POC, LGBT, and Feminists. The only people who can reach them now are simple, reasonable people within their communities.

As for the economic cries being called the reason for all of this. It only comes down to the same fears that as White people lose their White privilege positions, they will lose their easy access to job opportunities. It’s more of the survival of the fittest problem. In every society, there are the strong and the weak. In this case, I believe in my own opinion as a White person who has had the displeasure of dealing with a family member who supports Trump and loves fake news, they fear so much because they are not strong enough to adapt and succeed in an equal world. I’ve often been told the ultimate excuse: “I’m not strong like you; I can only deal with so much.” If you genuinely felt you could not survive in a changing world, you might take any action to eliminate all of the threats to stay alive.

This, by no means, is an excuse for this behavior. I have always supported and enjoyed a more integrated society as I can learn more from different people, cultures, and viewpoints. Learning from others has helped me adapt to any situation leaving my position secure no matter where I go. Most younger White people are in this position, where their friends and family are the ones that could be targeted the hardest if there was this sort of ethnic cleansing regime in our government. Meanwhile, the older generations cannot start new so easily and have pictures of old American nostalgia playing in their head.

The irony is that White male nationalists like Stephen Bannon claim the worst problem today is Globalization. Yet, if we look back at history, European countries created the start of globalization by going from country to country and colonizing the world as quickly as possible as a contest for who could steal the most land and spoils. In the words of the late great Malcolm X, “The chickens coming home to roost.” This is a result of a climate of hate.

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