Featured On New York Times LiveStream Chat About Race
As most people know, I filmed the video now dubbed #BBQBecky. Several journalists have noted to me recently that this viral video has started a new trend of people video recording white people who are doing what appears to be racially motivated acts like calling the police on black people who seem “out of place” to a White person who has a racial bias they may not even be aware of.

How I Got So Good at Documenting People Like BBQ Becky
There is more backstory to the BBQ Becky video going viral than is ever told in mainstream media. Here's why.

How I Deconstructed Racism and Colonization Decades Ago
In the aftermath of the viral video dubbed “BBQ Becky,” many comments on the video combined with social...

Viral BBQ Becky Meme & BBQing While Black Explained
If you have not heard yet, I am the one who filmed Jennifer Schulte, the alleged woman dubbed...

RESPECT: Hip-Hop Style & Wisdom Exhibit at Oakland Museum
A photo gallery of Hip-Hop excellence, history, culture, and wisdom captured at the Oakland Museum of California. Features stories of origination in creative style, which include Bay Area origins with graffiti artwork, albums, photography, fashion, and interactive visual displays.

How Social Media and Memes Are Used to Create a Propaganda Cycle
Call it fake news, biased opinion, alternative facts or straight up lies; there is a real problem in...