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A Normies Guide to the Alt-Right, the New Right & Their Tactics for Recruitment


Be warned: This is for research purposes only. Some of this content may be traumatizing as it shows extremist views and explains acts of violence.

Originally published on Medium on Aug. 24, 2017, as a warning to all who had ignored the warning signs before the Unite the Right Rally, which ended in the brutal killing of Heather Heyer. On Aug. 12, 2027, a white nationalist drove a vehicle into a crowd of protesters, killing Heyer and injuring dozens of others as millions watched it all happen on livestreams.

This meme circulated throughout 2017 on Twitter before the Unit the Right rally and was extremely popular. It encouraged running over protesters claiming Black Lives Matter and all “liberal” or Antifa protesters had no right to protest. Ironic coming some of the biggest “free speech” advocates who constantly claimed their own believes were being silenced.

I felt the need to republish this article again after news the DOJ indicted two Russia Today (RT) employees for covert funding and Directing U.S. companies that published thousands of Videos for Russian interests.

According to the Washington Post, the U.S. Company that published those videos is likely Tenessee-based Tenet Media, a corporation founded by conservative commentator Lauren Chen, who goes by Roaming Millennial online, and her husband, Liam Donovan. Chen also has ties with Glenn Beck’s BlazeTV online video company and contributes to Turning Point USA.

One of the pundits for Tenet Media named was Tim Pool, a self-proclaimed journalist right-wing darling who has been making YouTube videos for a broad pro-Trump right-wing viewership since 2016.

Before then, his content was a mix, starting with Occupy Wall Street protests, technology, militarization of police, corporate ownership of water, and then leading to support for Bernie Sanders. Once Sanders lost the primaries, his focus turned to Trump, and the content became more conspiracy-focused with language like “Terror” and “Holy Wars” regarding Europe and immigrants, which had become typical white nationalist talking points in 2017.

Today, Pool hosts a variety of guests. For example, he will host a Black activist to talk about how boring Kamala Harris’s speech at the DNC convention was. He also features subjects like physics, simulation theory, and the fourth dimension with a pastor. He also stays on brand and talks about technology. He still frequently hosts alt-right extremists like Milo Yiannopoulos, who has been featured since 2017.

Some may say influencers like Pool are simply useless idiots, as I saw in a recent TikTok today. Several people laughed and shrugged off the news. Yet, after all these years, people have not learned why Russia pours so much money into our useful idiots and how effective it is. 

Influencers like Toole discuss subjects with an air of intellectualism, which attracts people who want to learn and appear smart but are not inclined to do the heavy lifting required to go to school and get a master’s degree.

The point is not about this one influencer; it is the systemic use of numerous online influencers with various degrees of influence pushing an online narrative in unison, changing the public discourse and political culture without the public being aware of the social engineering and psyops happening all around it.

During Trump’s presidency, Toole would have been considered part of the “New Right” in the descriptions below, someone who creates a soft opening for “normies” to become red pilled. From there, they go down a rabbit hole of online extremism, which would often lead people to attend violent rallies in real life.

Why were these various groups formed, influencers with similar narratives bought, social media bot farms employed, falsified click-bait stories manufactured, and then once millions of Trump supporters of all backgrounds were riled up, rallied to travel cross country into “Liberal enclaves” like Berkeley, Portland and Seattle throughout 2017? 

Fun fact: Russian troll farms have recently been using AI 

“We could be facing a president… who is ordering American troops to open fire on American citizens.”  Mehdi breaks down one of Donald Trump’s fascistic plans, to use the US military to crush dissent, and provides receipts exposing Team Trump’s plan to use the Insurrection Act to crack down on protesters via military force.  Tap the link in bio to watch the full episode of ‘Mehdi Unfiltered.’

♬ original sound – zeteo
Former MSNBC news reporter Mehdi Hasan explains how former President Donald Trump would use soldiers against protests if elected for a second term. In one video clip, one of his potential future cabinet members explains the reasoning that “the left” wants to dismantle institutions. This narrative has been the end game all along.

For these people, it is a form of entertainment, activism, and community they do not have in real life. The real intent all along had been to manipulate and create a race/civil war, but who was the puppet master pulling the strings had remained a mystery.

It has changed the environment of our politics and culture, something I will write more about later. It has shifted the Overton window of what is acceptable in politics and moved Democrats further right on issues like immigration and militarized policing in their policies over the years. Let’s look back at this old research to see where this began. 


this of course is not nearly as funny as when it broke about 10 years ago that the malaysian government was paying conservative pundits for propaganda

♬ original sound – b-boy bouiebaisse
Jamelle Bouie on TikTok says of Tim Pool “the man with the beenie hat” as if to brush off his messaging as poising only grandpas on Facebook but he does mention in the description: “this of course is not nearly as funny as when it broke about 10 years ago that the malaysian government was paying conservative pundits for propaganda”

Original Article

A meme meant to display the “diversity” of the pro-Trump right movement.

By ignoring them, we allow them to come into our towns and take root, plant seeds, and harass the very people we claim to protect. By beating them out of our cities, we give them optic warfare to recruit more people, so they return 200 more strong each time. By reacting to their disrespectful trolling, we give them reactions of outrage, which they edit and change the narrative to fit their propaganda and take back to their fans.

Their fans love to see our outrage. We’ve been playing into the right-wing games without even realizing it. As Reactionaries, we react to every one of their trollish moves with great force in the way they desire.

Suppose we continue to be reactionaries instead of the strategic, tactical force they are. In that case, we are likely to lose the one opportunity we have in our lifetime to finally remove white supremacy and extreme unchecked capitalism from our social systems.

Who we want to win in the next election should not even be up for debate when the very moral fabric of our society is being ripped apart, and we are fighting for our fundamental human rights.

– Michelle Dione

This is a blueprint for understanding how political rights work and how they affect our current culture. Understanding their tactics and strategies is the key to building a proper strategy of our own. As they say, there is a time and a place for everything. We can all create a long list of tactics to deal with rallies and harassment of our communities, but without a strategy, we will permanently lose.

Twitter Screen shot Alex Jones and his infamous fear mongering to edge on a civil war.

While the right wing has many intelligent, educated upper-class tacticians on its top-tier front lines, the majority of its followers need to be more educated, better, and naive. Most have lived in a controlled environmental bubble and are simply uncomfortable with change. In this aspect, we have the upper hand. The goal should be to break those bubbles, gradually introduce them to the real world, and have them find their place.

The bottom line between the differences between the New Right and The Alt-Right is probably where our tactics can break them. They have a few common bonds, like anti-immigration policies, pro-Muslim bans, and pro-life, but when it comes to governing styles and economics, they are somewhat opposites.

The New Right is primarily Libertarian, not Republican. They want to eliminate social programs and “big government” regulating businesses. The most ironic thing about The New Right is the fact that they are Libertarians but, at the same time, Nationalists.

Nationalism creates authoritarianism. It tends to rule by dictatorship or monarchy without individual rights and free speech, which would be the opposite of what Libertarianism stands for.

The other fun fact about Libertarians is that the term comes from Liberal, the very people the Trump Populists love to hate. Are they true Libertarians? No. Are they confused and uneducated? Absolutely. That is why Trump loves them so much.

The New Right has a lot of ignorant people when it comes to politics and governing. Many of them say they used to be liberal, but they don’t like Western Culture as they’ve known it, changing with all these black and brown voices being heard and changing up the culture. So they are racist, but if you call them racist, you are racist. And to counter that, here’s a black Trump supporter to tell you how racist you are for thinking they are racists, you anti-white cuck!

Yes, that’s the level of argument you will get from the New Right. None of it makes sense, and it is just as organized and flip-flopping on message as Trump is. These are the Trump loyalists, the populists, the ones pulling the strings above who are making money off of them while gaining control of our government for de-regulation, “religious freedom rights,” aka making abortion illegal, and putting women back into the kitchen.

This group includes the Kekistan trolls, the Deplorables, The Blue Lives Matter folks, and The Proud Boys.

The Alt-Right, well, most everyone knows they are “Pro-White,” aka filled with white supremacists, but a surprising fact is most of them are Social Nationalists. Yes, just like the Nazis, they believe in socialism but only for the ethnostate they plan to create by taking over the government, controlling and removing all the undesirables.

Their weakness is the fact that Trump and The New Right use them constantly to build their numbers, only to dump them later when their white heritage symbols make them seem racist. Unlike the New Right, though, the Alt-Right is unapologetically racist. You can call them racist; it would probably make them smile.

They are truly honored to be Nationalists and are unapologetic about telling the truth about their motives. This is where their friction with the New Right begins. Other than the fact that the New Right is inclusive and growing increasingly diverse, and as they say, has Jewish-run media who are like the anti-christ to the Alt-Right, The Alt-Right hates the New Right’s tendency to be morally bankrupt when it comes to standing by the principles it claims.

Below is a list of descriptions in order of how the movement of the extreme right-wing is developed and how they “red-pill” normies into their movement.

“Red Pill” is to become aware of their “truth.”

That truth will always lead you to who you should vote for. Donald Trump and his allies. It ultimately plays on the cult classic movie The Matrix while creating a team mentality. Us versus them, the red team versus the blue team. The blue team is the normies, and the red pill is when you have awakened and broken free from the sheeple state of mind, embracing the truth. The sad truth is the rabbit hole of red pills leads people to conspiracy theories, grifting, and lies.

Random Twitter meme hard at work red pilling.

The Normies [Normal People]

To start, you have to understand the importance of normies. The normies are the normal people who are just minding their business, going to work or school, and caring for their families. They do not have a cause they are fighting because they usually don’t have time or are not aware of the underworld of political sides. They tend to be reactionary because they have been taught certain symbols mean certain social taboos.

This is where Pepe memes came into play. They were created as regular fun memes years ago but morphed into a Kekistan movement meant to make fun of normies who overreact and become SJW (social justice warriors) as well as Identitarians as they called it, like White nationalists, Feminists, BLM, and LGBTQ. The term “triggered” comes from the need to push the boundaries of society until they no longer exist.

Identitarian: A set of ideas arising from the ontology of identity

Kekistan and Meme Magic

In turn, the Alt-right and New Right started to appropriate Pepe memes to “red pill” normies during the election. This is where the Alt-Right and New Right blended in even long after Trump had been inaugurated as President. Many of the Kekistan folks who created the original memes became red-pilled as well, and many went down the line to become Alt-Right.

Despite Kekistanians creating the meme-building machine that evolved Pepe into a politically incorrect monster, they seem unaware of how their symbol became appropriated for a massive psyops warfare front to change a normies direction in life psychologically.

To convert from a normie into an Alt-Right or New Right, the use of memes and falsified news stories has had a substantial influential effect. The use of Memetic Psyops Warfare, along with make believe news sites pushed on social media sites, was a leading contributor to organizing and unifying the Alt-Right and New Right into electing Donald Trump.

You can read about that here:

The Right-Wing General “Conservative” Agenda (Common Ideology all across Right Wing)

NOTE: Republicans are the original Right Wing, but the original Republicans have primarily lost control of the right-wing narrative. They initially considered themselves “fiscal conservatives.” In other words, true Republican conservatives should not believe in building walls or creating needless war tactics because seeking tactics that will develop solutions to problems without wasteful government spending should be the priority. These kinds of Republicans have rarely existed.

For one thing, they have often put the country in extreme debt over war, they helped create the blueprints for prisons over schools, and they have put corporate interests over public interests needs time and time again.

Since the Dixiecrats left the Democratic party in the 1960s, when the party started to embrace the civil rights movement, the Dixiecrats brought southern white Confederate heritage into the Republican party, which has created the monster that possesses the Republican party today. Those opposed to identitarianism point out that this was the main problem with Republican politics that plagued our politics in recent decades. 

When Democrats started siding with marginalized group rights, they saw no difference in the issues that would come ahead by making policies based on individual identitarianism.

A few true conservatives are interested in conserving the environment and building modern, environmentally safe jobs. These Republicans are hated within the rest of the right-wing, considered “Neo-Cons” and “Rhinos” for being more interested in corporate interests and a globalist agenda while going against Trump. There is a core of their values that exists within the new right-wing, like the pro-life movement that is motivated by religious groups.

Otherwise, for the few true political Republicans that do exist, their voices are not respected among the right wing and have been increasingly isolated in the current Trump era.

The rest of the Right Wing movement, from the New Right to the Alt-Right, have some common beliefs that keep them sticking together no matter what:

Paul Joseph Watson was a popular “New Right” influencer on Twitter.

New Right & The Populists

The New Right movement was once considered part of the Alt-Right. They had built an alliance during the 2016 election to get Trump elected. Many groups joined together in a shared hatred for Hillary Clinton and to prevent the horrors of multiculturalism as they saw it destroying Western Culture.

After the 2016 election, when confident New Right leaders started to denounce other leaders in the Alt-Right because they had “heil Trump” publicly caused a mass media frenzy, the Alt-Right claimed them to be cucked and named them “Alt-Light.”

The New Right has had a hard time after distancing itself from the stains of the Alt-Right as they invited Alt-Right groups to rallies and were seen side by side with white nationalists and neo-nazis. After that, they could never scrub away the “Nazi” racist image. 

By June this year, they started to push the Alt-Right and Neo-Nazi’s out of their rallies because of that image. They started being labeled as hate groups on SPLC, which was hurting their ability to recruit normies.

The Unite the Right rally in Charlottesville, VA, was meant to unite all of the groups but ended up only dividing them as many figures like Gavin McInnes of the Proud Boys disavowed and said he did not want any Proud Boy chapters to endorse white supremacy.

Many of his Proud Boy groups had become increasingly white nationalist and violent, and it was clear McInnes tried to distance himself and the group from that toxic image. Since then, he has emphasized how his group included gays and people of color on the condition they accept Western Chauvinism.

This is the significant difference between the Alt-Right and New Right, as the Alt-Right believes an ethnostate is necessary. The New Right is more interested in recruiting as many into their groups as possible because they understand numbers in a movement equals power. The New Right knows that isolating themselves as a “white only” group is a losing strategy numbers-wise. They accept that the world is becoming more diverse, so instead, they are more interested in forcing assimilation into their Western Culture of ideals.

When you go to their rallies, you may notice they love pushing out a black speaker or a trans speaker to prove the point that they aren’t racist. They love to counter-signal cultural references to confuse and prove their point right, even if there is no point. While many liberals will shout out, calling them Nazis and white supremacists, their goal is to make counter-protesters look silly as possible, as if people of color can’t be a nationalist or support white supremacy. If you dare call them racist, they will claim you are racist for believing people of color could not side with their beliefs.

While the New Right loves to play many tricks, they often can come off flip-flopping while begging for money from their followers whenever they get into trouble. The true goal of the New Right is not just to maintain Western Culture as it was in the 1950s nuclear family. Their biggest goal is to stop socialized governing. Nothing seems to anger this group more than the idea of Marxism. They will go on to say Marxism has contributed to the killing of 94 million people without historical context, a highly complex subject no one can debate on the fly.

They claim capitalism is the only way. A free market, free of any government control, along with the elimination of the majority of taxation, is a Libertarian’s wet dream that primarily drives this movement. What the movement is really about is keeping the status quo of white supremacy, the current prison system, privatized roads, bridges, and schools, and power held to only those with the most wealth while living an even further divide of income inequality in our country.

The New Right Main Point Beliefs are:

Alt-Right and white nationalists used images of “pure white” European women to appeal to followers and depict an ideal of what modern women should be like. This started a “Trad wide” movement.

divest from tradwife content if you care about democracy, also, I was on Dr. Phil

♬ original sound – neha chandrachud
Neha Chandrachud explains the background into the growing Trad wife movement which has appeared to look innocent on TikTok but has roots in white nationalism and is used to move women back towards traditional roles.

Alt-Right/Pro-White Nationalists to be “White Pilled” Key Guide

There is so much about the Alt-Right already written that they don’t need any further explanation:

You have to zoom into the background to appreciate the painstaking time it took to create this 2017 meme which appreciates the relationship between Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, President Donald Trump and Leader of UK’s Reform Party Nigel Farage.

Neo-Nazis & Socialist Nationalists

Neo-Nazis have always been around, hiding in the darkest rabbit holes of social media. The growing obsession is not so much about ignorance as it is about how far certain extremists feel they have been pushed in society. They want their way now and believe that Trump should have been taken over as their new Fuhrer in Chief. They believe in much of what the Alt-Right believes in times 10. There are no choices. They are authoritarian and do not care about liberties for anyone but themselves. They want to take over the country by force.

They tend to be anti-capitalists, scorned by jobs going overseas or as they see it to immigrants. They understand the greed of corporations not wanting to pay them good union wages with benefits. They want socialism, they do not want to share the resources of socialism with others.

The fact that Trump has not been able to fulfill their dreams of a genuinely fascist society that only helps them is the reason why they became so extreme. This is the final destination. When you are blackpilled, you have given up on institutions and society and are ready to throw people into the ovens. Human life no longer has meaning. While the thought of this is disturbing to most people, even some within the Alt-Right, it is one of the few things that brings them joy.

All these groups (many mixed into the two major categories, and they have been building up for eight years) have extremely violent factors and similar tactics, which make them capable of fighting each other and folding into each other when certain politically advantageous moments arise. 

Note, an actual good guide to see into all the terms, background, and current state of Pro-White groups: read the Daily Stormer’s “Normies Guide to the Alt-Right.” Be warned this is for research purposes only; the content is EXTREME and meant to encourage young white men into white nationalist politics. An example of their extreme ideals can be seen in the meme below, enabling drivers to run over protesters.

Madeline Pendleton debunks the “Jews own the media” myth often peddled by white nationalists.
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